Tony Edwards
I'm glad they're back

I'm glad they're back

- 1 min

A 6-hour round trip for a coffee.

You can’t beat it. I’m glad these days are back.

It. Was. Just. Too. Much.

Zoom this. Teams that. Slack the other.

Email for the paper chain 🤦‍♂️

All of these things combined to replace the simple pleasure of a chat over a warm cup of coffee, the plotting of future success, and that friendly embrace you’re sometimes lucky to get on departure.

It’s a long journey, sure.

But it’s a worthwhile one. Just like many things in life, it’s what you make of them that counts. And this thing is a welcome block of offline time carved out of a day.

When the sun is shining, nothing beats a quick stop off at the bay to dip ten toes into the ice-cold water. The ocean does wonders for the post-commute funk after all.

When zooming over teams makes sense, it’s the right tool to use. . . nothing beats it.

When you want to make a genuine connection with someone. . . it’s not. That calls for something more.

But one thing is for sure.

The post-meet email paper chain will be around forever. We’ll never get rid of it 🤷‍♀️

Originally featured on LinkedIn.

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