Tony Edwards


- 1 min

“You’re only as good as your last backup.”

Something a very wise lecturer told the class eager learners very early on in our University Journey. Of course, he was right. That’s why regular backups were one of the principles to uphold at the start of the FOSS migration.

The point at which the drive becomes a single point of data failure has yet to come. The moment at which it would be a pain to replicate all of the work done has passed. This has pushed me to sort out an MVP backup solution to back up the collated backup of two decades of digital memories.

To KISS, I’m taking full advantage of the current storage drive being connected via a hard disk bay with duplicator functionality.

Hard Disk duplicator held in hand

I’ve been keen to keep costs minimal, but good backup hygiene is priceless. I picked up a second-hand 4TB Seagate drive from a local shop to balance the two considerations.

Seagate HDD

Despite the hesitancy of buying a second-hand drive, the fact that it’ll only be written to 52 times a year means it’s extremely low usage. If this were going to be a primary drive, I would have purchased a new one for the sake of reliability.

Drive in hand, a backup is as easy as slotting it into the spare bay and pressing the button marked clone.

HDD caddy with clone button

A few hours later, the drive has been duplicated and is ready for stashing somewhere in the house.


Now it’s time to nuke the photo library so you don’t make the same mistakes I did.

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