Pitch Up at the Blue
- 1 minLast week I was invited to give a short talk at the first ever Pitch Up event. With so many amazing organisations in the county, the event was a chance to share ideas amongst the extended Tech Cornwall family. Hosted at the Blue Bar in Porthtowan, the rugged coastline offered the perfect back drop to an afternoon of rapid fire presentations.
Working in Education Outreach with Tech Cornwall, a large part of the role is helping businesses, education institutions and digital communities connect. Naturally, the talk focused upon this topic, and was an attempt to get the room excited about the programme we are rolling out over the coming years. Part of the talk invited the audience to discuss their interpretation of ‘Innovation in Digital Education’. Whilst I had a few shared with me after the pitches were over, I’m excited to receive more of the audience’s ideas in the coming days.
By getting the aforementioned partners working together, its hoped that the next generation of digital talent will be more likely to enter the industry. Being an industry experiencing massive growth, it offers a prosperous career for those who take the path. In Cornwall, the current supply of graduating learners is dwarfed by the potential roles for them. Something the organisation is keen to help turn around.
In giving this talk, I had another opportunity to gain experience with public speaking. As I’ve previously spoken about, getting up to speak was historically a challenge. The butterfly stomach, sweaty palms and anxiety have subsided. Instead, these feeling have been replaced with excitement and anticipation of the conversations afterwards. While there is lots of room for improvement, this was another small step towards a TED talk in the future.