Tony Edwards

Opportunities floating by

- 1 min

Today is the closing date for an opportunity which is mine for the taking. It’s a fun opportunity, one that comes with both tangible and intrinsic rewards.

But I’m not taking it.


That’s complicated.

The opportunity represents a step back into my pre-covid work life. A work life that was really fun at the time; however, the world and I have become very different since then. We’ve both moved on and, in my case at least, have different goals upon which life is being rebuilt.

It was always fun, exciting, rewarding and always interesting. I love dipping my toes back into it today.

Although I won’t be stepping back in time to take up a new role, I’m delighted with my current work life.

I get to help 75 second and third-year university students make the most out of their opportunities.

I get to build a highly marketable software skill set amongst a team that excels at what they do.

I get to beat the sun up every single day and have the capacity to spend plenty of time sitting in the sunshine pondering philosophical topics.

Why would I want to layer an extra 20 hours of work each week on top of that? That was the question I didn’t have an answer other than I don’t.

I’m happy with how I spend my days. It was nice to be asked, but now is the time to focus on the opportunities already in my hands. To avoid chasing new ones, letting them float on by.

Well. . . be very selective about which ones are chased at least :)

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