Tony Edwards

Between the lines

- 1 min

If we’ve had a meeting or worked next to each other for any length of time, you might have noticed that I’m always scribbling notes down with paper and pencil.

Look a little closer and you’d notice that I always write on plain paper, and have done for over two decades. Whilst it lends itself to the range of free form scrawling that covers content writing, social media graphic design, app layouts, software architecture designs to name a few things. . . that’s not the reason the paper is unlined.

Going through school, barely a week went by when the way I wrote wasn’t highlighted as a problem. The most common critique, besides the eight different handwriting styles that flowed from brain to pen to page, was that I could never seem to stay within the lines.

In the rush to get my ideas outta my head, my hands have to move far quicker is sensible. You see, those thoughts needed capturing before they disappeared forever. The resulting scrawl was all over the place, and rather than focusing on the content, teachers zeroed in on the prettiness.

As a result, as soon as I had control over the choice of paper, I removed the lines and never looked back . . . apart from the occasional flick through 20+ years worth of notebooks.

It’s always a pleasure to read through ideas, project notes, and plans freed from the constrains of two lines.

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