Tony Edwards
Not the home office

Not the home office

- 1 min

Where’s your favourite non desk based space to work from?

Two years ago, we all drooled over each other’s desk setups (particularly in tech) as the reality of being chained to them for the foreseeable set in.

We wanted a comfortable space to #work from.

As we return towards a more normal existence, I’m now wondering where you head when you want to escape your #HomeOffice?

This week, I’ve tried a few different spots:

With no requirement to use a computer, I sketched out the #software behind the interactive elements of an upcoming talk. Afterall, the best way to start writing code is to not write any code.

My fave place was the latter. The fresh sea air really helped blow the ideas from my head onto the paper.

Do you have a favourite spot?

Originally featured on LinkedIn.

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