Hosting a workshop for Cornwall Council
- 1 minToday was a bit different to most work wise. I was invited to help the digital team at Cornwall Council recruit their next batch of apprentices, with the session being hosted in the Councils main chamber.
Over the course of two hours, we took a room full of extremely nervous job applicants and warmed them up using some simple team building games. This allowed them to naturally form teams and get to know each other before the next stage. They’re set up with some c++ coding challenges using basic robots, having to pass muster with Kayley the client. Before leaving the group to their lunch, we wrapped up with another game designed to reframe failure as learning opportunities.
Over lunch they’re chatting like friends, allowing them to go into the actual recruitment process relaxed and familiar with the environment. To some, this will make a huge difference in how they perform during an interview.
The chamber is a cool place to hang out for a few hours. Being one of only a handful of people to ever eat lunch in the boss chair makes me feel a bit naughty.