Tony Edwards


- 1 min

That is the most effective, most powerful, most inspiring way of teaching: getting their attention, motivating them, inspiring them.

What students are going to remember most is that you looked them in the eye and asked them about their extra-curricular activities and their part-time jobs.

What they’re going to remember most is that you just asked them in the hall how they were doing.

What they’re going to remember most is you worked really hard in the first couple weeks to learn their names in the first couple of lessons.

What they’re going to remember most is that you went to their events, performances and their concerts.

What they’re going to remember most is that you led the class in loud, off-key choruses of “Happy Birthday.”

What they’re going to remember most is that when they made the newspaper, you put their newspaper clippings up on the wall in the classroom. You asked them to autograph them, and you told them to do that so that some day when their autographs were worth lots of money, it would fund your retirement.

What they’re going to remember is that you were transparent, and that you were real, and that you had the ability to laugh at yourself and laugh with them.

So, what’s really important?

How do we motivate?

How do we inspire?

Allow kids to involve themselves in the classroom in student-choice collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.

But don’t forget to care.

It’s probably the most important thing.

Taken from the TedX talk Joe Ruhl.

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